code 09155 brand Epifanes

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A UV resistant semi-gloss wood finish, based on modified alkyd/urethane resins. The answer for a quick and easy alternative to conventional varnish. For long-term protection and enhancement of all interior and exterior marine and household woods above the waterline. It bonds extremely well to teak and other oily woods, prevents discoloration and emphasizes the natural grain of the wood. Quick drying, excellent breathing properties, flexibility, maximum durability and longevity. To be used as quick drying, building and/or finishing system on all interior and exterior marine and household woods above the waterline. Also suited as quick drying primercoat prior to Epifanes Clear Varnish and Woodfinish Gloss (sand with 220). Maintenance of intact one and two-component varnish systems regardless of brand. Clear, high gloss appearance.

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